Monday, October 12, 2015

Stephen Cartwright - Sculpture

-Sculpture used to mark something significant such as an important date or religious figure 
-As time went on, sculpture became more intimate and personal
-The outside world begins to influence the art, and it starts to take on different styles
-In the 70s, Eleanor Antin brought a new meaning to "carving sculptures" by taking photos of herself losing weight over a period of time
-Mark Quinn made a frozen sculpture of his face from his own blood
"Sculpture is what you bump into while looking at paintings."
-Space gives objects presence in the 3-dimensional word
-Makes the piece interactive with the viewer
-Changing people's experience of the world
-Using shapes and minimalism
-Janine Antoni wanted to get away from minimalism, and used a block of chocolate which she chewed into shape (exploring body images and women)
-Carl Andre made floor pieces for people to walk on, because this is unusual for a museum
Everyday objects
-Why do we ignore them in everyday art, but suddenly pay attention to them in the art world?
-We shift the context of objects
-Duchamp's "Fountain" which was a urinal

"There's an intimacy and a repulsion that you can create with sculpture, that you maybe can't do with illustration."

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